This Is Our Design #9- “Shiizakana” with Eric Goldman

Welcome back to This Is Our Design, the Hannibal podcast. We considered scrapping this episode in favor of a ten-hour podcast dedicated to The Following, but we're not as brave as that series. So we're playing it safe and sticking to what we know, which is pretending to say smart things about Hannibal. Co-hosts Sean Colletti and Kate Kulzick are joined this week by Eric Goldman of IGN to talk some "Shiizakana." Topics of conversation include concepts of love and animalism in Hannibal. The crew also challenges some more of the believability and subtlety concerns the series may or may not have, shortly before excusing the series for being really friggin' good. Listeners will also be treated to the most recent installments of "Kate's Classical Corner" and "The Devil in the Details," in which Sean tries once again to contribute something of use in a power play to hide the fact that he knows nothing about music that doesn't involve electric guitars. Maybe you should be holding out for a TV adaptation of This is Spinal Tap, Sean. Maybe you should stop writing to yourself in the third person, too. As an added bonus this week, we've included an additional 10-minute segment at the beginning of the podcast in which Sean sits down with his mother to discuss how therapy and psychiatry function in "Shiizakana" and Hannibal in general. What Sean forgot to ask her was if she has ever trained some of her patients to become serial killers. We'll leave that up to the listeners to guess. Have a listen and feel free to join the discussion by leaving some comments.

By |2020-05-23T19:02:48-06:00April 28th, 2014|This Is Our Design|0 Comments

This Is Our Design #8- “Su-zakana” with Libby Hill

Co-hosts Sean Colletti and Kate Kulzick return to talk some "Su-zakana" with Libby Hill of the Los Angeles Times. For anyone who was worried about the return of the thousand airplanes that fly over Sean's house, rest easy. For the rest of you (we'll call you the sane ones), tune in to hear the gang talk about some legitimate gender-based character issues that Hannibal may or may not being having. Also up for discussion: when TV becomes too heavy-handed, ambiguity surrounding Jack Crawford, who the heck is Margot, and where are we at with the Hannibal-Will relationship? But don't worry. That's not all. Call within the next twenty minutes and receive a free segment of "Kate's Classical Corner," with one amazing insight from Sean this time around (really amazing; we're not kidding). And if you pay with traveler's checks and/or two-dollar bills, you'll also get to experience another round of "The Devil in the Details." Have a listen and feel free to join the discussion by leaving some comments.

By |2020-05-23T19:02:55-06:00April 21st, 2014|This Is Our Design|0 Comments

This Is Our Design #7- “Yakimono” with Zack Handlen

Some of you might be wondering why there's a new episode of This Is Our Design considering nothing happened in the most recent episode of Hannibal. Really, it was just an episode featuring 42 minutes of a black screen. Weird. Oh, well. Co-hosts Sean Colletti and Kate Kulzick still manage to analyze the darkness with the help of their fabulous guest, Zack Handlen of The A.V. Club. One of the three is an expert in music, one is an expert in pronouncing the names of actors and actresses, and one clearly knows everything about the Japanese language. We'll let you figure out which is which. This week, topics include concepts of love in Hannibal, how to get the best use of a stationary character, and some more discussion of why Dr. Chilton is a strong candidate for this season's MVP. Also returning, of course, are "Kate's Classical Corner" and "The Devil in the Details." Have a listen and feel free to join the discussion by leaving some comments.

By |2020-05-23T19:03:02-06:00April 14th, 2014|This Is Our Design|0 Comments

This Is Our Design #6- “Futamono” with Dennis Perkins

For those of you who have been eagerly awaiting an amazingly in-depth discussion of the most recent episode of Hannibal, we're sorry to say that all we have for you is this new podcast. This Is Our Design isn't amazingly in-depth. Oh, no. The truth is that doesn't quite do it justice. This podcast is life-changingly enlightening (and also presumes to create new English vocabulary; that's just how we roll). Co-hosts Sean Colletti and Kate Kulzick will help guide you through "Futamono," relying mostly on the help of Dennis Perkins from The A.V. Club. Topics this week include issues of believability, ideas of impermanence, contributions from some of the supporting characters in this series, and Hannibal and Alana sitting in a Tree... Man. This episode also features what might be the most in-depth "Kate's Classical Corner" to date, and Kate doesn't even get started on the classical pieces featured. Brace yourselves for some Knowledge Bombs. "The Devil in the Details" also points out some interesting elements of the viewing experience and how creator Bryan Fuller is going deep into the Japanese theme this season. Have a listen and feel free to join the discussion by leaving some comments.

By |2020-05-23T19:03:08-06:00April 6th, 2014|This Is Our Design|0 Comments

This Is Our Design #5- “Mukozuke” with Emily VanDerWerff

These might not be the droids you're looking for, but This Is Our Design, the Hannibal podcast. Somewhere out there, aliens are listening to co-hosts Sean Colletti and Kate Kulzick ramble on and on about serial killers and cannibalism, feeling reassured that not visiting Earth was the right call. This week, though, they can feast on the discussion with special guest Todd VanDerWerff, Culture Editor of Vox. Topics of the conversation include religious and water imagery in Hannibal, location, and the inevitable mayoral race that Hannibal will take part in with the help of Jonathan Tucker. Also featured are recurring segments "Kate's Classical Corner" and "The Devil in the Details." Prepare to have your minds blown (and possibly eaten, if Mads Mikkelsen gets his way). Have a listen and feel free to join the discussion by leaving some comments.

By |2020-05-23T19:03:17-06:00March 30th, 2014|This Is Our Design|0 Comments

This Is Our Design #4- “Takiawase” with Aaron Pinkston

It's that time again. This is Our Design, the Hannibal podcast, is back for another round. Co-hosts Sean Colletti and Kate Kulzick are joined by Aaron Pinkston of Battleship Pretension to discuss "Takiawase" and all of the bees in the episode. Topics include Hannibal's musings on death, why Gina Torres is way too good, how to use a cliffhanger effectively, and the implications this episode has on the season going forward. Have a listen and feel free to join the discussion by leaving some comments.

By |2020-05-23T19:03:23-06:00March 24th, 2014|This Is Our Design|0 Comments

This Is Our Design #3- “Hassun” with Noel Kirkpatrick

Welcome back to another exciting edition of This is Our Design, in which Sean Colletti and Kate Kulzick break down the most recent episodes of Hannibal. This week, special guest Noel Kirkpatrick of joins the podcast to talk about "Hassun," the third episode of the second season. Included in this podcast are discussions of the score and soundtrack, the use of time and viewpoint in Hannibal, some dream interpretations, and an appreciation of the dark humor in the series. Have a listen and feel free to join the discussion by leaving some comments.

By |2020-05-23T19:03:30-06:00March 16th, 2014|This Is Our Design|0 Comments

This Is Our Design #2- “Sakizuki” with Les Chappell

Sean Colletti and Kate Kulzick are back again to talk more Hannibal season two in this latest installment of This is Our Design. This week, special guest Les Chappell from The A.V. Club joins the discussion, which spans everything from the gruesome opening of "Sakizuki" to the final image of Dr. Lecter smirking in an empty room. The discussion includes the idea of symmetrical and unbalanced friendships along with the performance aspects these characters use to get what they want. Only two episodes into the new season, Hannibal is making it difficult to watch some of its more gory scenes while inviting viewers into its intellectually rewarding story. Have a listen and feel free to join the discussion by leaving some comments.

By |2020-05-23T19:03:37-06:00March 9th, 2014|This Is Our Design|0 Comments

The Televerse #131- Parade’s End with Kate Rennebohm

The Olympics are over and TV is back with a bang, giving us way too much to discuss this week on the podcast. First we talk comedy, including a preview of Saint George, then we take a look at some reality, with a preview of Cosmos: A Space-Time Odyssey and a little Amazing Race talk. Next we dive in with genre, including previews of Resurrection and Believe, and we round out our week in TV with the dramas, including the pilot of Those Who Kill. Afterward, Kate Rennebohm heads back to the DVD Shelf to help us break down the recent BBC miniseries (and Benedict Cumberbatch/Rebecca Hall/Adelaide Clemens vehicle) Parade’s End.

By |2016-02-04T13:13:37-06:00March 4th, 2014|The Televerse|0 Comments

This Is Our Design #1- “Kaiseki” with Ricky D

Hosts Sean Colletti and Kate Kulzick are pleased to present the first installment of This is Our Design, a Hannibal-centric podcast that will cover each episode of the television show on a week-to-week basis. This initial discussion features co-hosts Sean Colletti and Kate Kulzick speaking with Sound On Sight Editor-in-chief Ricky D about the second season premiere, "Kaiseki," and covers topics such as the violence—both physical and emotional—that takes place in Hannibal, the series' artistic merits, and how successfully the second season has announced itself.

By |2020-05-23T19:03:45-06:00March 2nd, 2014|This Is Our Design|0 Comments
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